Dialling up Digital Reward: Programme

Join us from 8:00 for coffee and networking. The sessions will run from 8:45 to 17:00, with regular refreshment breaks and lunch, and then we’ll finish the day with some drinks.

Behavioural Economics

Reward is intended to engage people and guide their behaviour at work, but how much do we really know about what people feel about gain, loss and making choices? Behavioural Economics and Decision Research provide essential signposts for what works and what doesn’t. These insights will help participants better understand how their people respond to workplace policies and how to build those insights into better plan design.

Dialling Up Digital – The Opportunity

Digital technology is the great game changer – not only to do things more efficiently and faster but also to do things differently. Although Digital capability can deal mindlessly with far greater levels of complexity, shouldn’t we be harnessing that capability thoughtfully – to make Reward more simple, more engaging and more human?  This session challenges us to apply AI with intelligence – to connect Reward more closely to our people, their feelings and their wider workplace experience.

The Power of Recognition

At the last Neovation Event in 2023, we looked at what should be driving New Principles for Reward; “People want to feel valued, recognised and fairly rewarded”.  In this session, we take a closer look at the power of recognition and how it can change behaviour and enhance organisational culture.

Reward: From Fashion to Fact

One of the strongest justifications for Reward is market alignment. To engage, inspire and keep your people, it’s not enough to be conscious of what others do; you need to do something similar. In an increasingly transparent world, it’s not difficult for your people to compare themselves against others, both inside and outside your organisation. Does that make Reward a Fashion industry, or is there more to it than that? Can data, analytics, and insights from your people help you measure and improve the return on investment you get from your spend on Reward? This session looks at practical ways in which you can move more firmly from fashion to fact based Reward.  

Harnessing Data and Analytics in Reward

A panel session to learn from the real-life experiences of other practitioners – how they have used Data & Analytics in their organisations.

Using AI in the Employee Experience

In 2011, Marc Andreessen, one of the founders of Netscape and an early investor in tech, famously said in a Wall Street Journal article, “Software is eating the World”. Now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to transform the way work gets done. If digital technology is the great dissolver of boundaries between different activities, how will it transform our experience of work?  Can we use AI to enhance human capability or replace it? How can we apply technology with intelligence to integrate our people’s workplace experience?  

Using Technology to Dial Up Digital in the Reward Organisation

The way companies organise their Reward function is a key factor in how things get done. Some organisations prefer to keep a comprehensive view of their Reward activities and total spend – how do they do that? Other companies are happy to delegate responsibility for Reward to divisional and geographical business units – what does that look like? Where are the trade-offs, and how will technology change what’s possible? In this session, participants can take a view on how the Reward organisation could and should evolve through the application of technology.

The Reward Organisation of the Future

A panel session to learn from the real-life experiences of other practitioners – how do they see the Reward organisation of the future – what will it focus on, how will it get things done, and what skills will be needed for people to thrive in this environment?

Communicating and Repeating the Right Reward Messages

Reward is much more than numbers and rules. It’s an emotionally charged minefield that can explode unexpectedly with life-changing consequences. How can we best handle such a volatile substance? Getting the message across isn’t simply a mechanical exercise; it brings feelings, values and organisational culture into play. In this session, participants look at how better to shape the message and get it across to their people.   

We will use a live case study throughout.

Neovation brings issues to life by using highly interactive case studies for participants to work their way through collaboratively. Over three sessions, we meet ShoeMars several years after our first encounter in 2023. As a more mature company, ShoeMars faces new challenges – what’s working and what isn’t to make better progress? This year, ShoeMars adopts “The Cube” to develop its Digital Reward Strategy and navigate the new frontiers it faces.

To close, we’ll review what have we learned and where can we best apply those learnings? An interactive review of the day brings the formal part of the Neovation event to a conclusion before heading into relaxed networking with drinks.

Thank you to this year’s sponsors